The Competitive Rules adopted by USAT govern the administration of all sanctioned events. These Rules are binding to all members of USA Triathlon and all persons who enter or participate in any event sanctioned by USA Triathlon. It is your responsibility to be familiar with all the Rules.

USA Triathlon 2024 Multisport Competition Rules

The following is only a summary of the most important Rules:

Race Conduct and Packet Pick-Up
Participants must cover the prescribed course in its entirety. It is the participant’s responsibility to know the course. None of the following will be allowed:

  1. Improper use of language toward an official and/or volunteers
  6. TRANSFER OR SELLING of a race number

All athletes must have the following: Valid picture ID, receipt of online registration, current USAT Membership Card or Sign-up for a One-day License. All members of Relay Teams must be present by packet pick-up.

Transition Area
Entering and Exiting, Placement of Equipment, Bicycle Placement.

  1. NO Obstruction, Glass Containers, Indecent exposure
  2. A participant must reduce cycling speed when approaching TA (Transition Area)
  3. NO cycling is allowed in the TA. Cycling past the STOP/DISMOUNT signs at the entrance to the TA will result in a variable time penalty
  4. A participant must place equipment only in the assigned individual area and not interfere with another participant’s equipment while in TA
  5. A participant must return his/her bicycle to an upright position in the properly designated area

Failure to do any of the above will result in a variable time penalty and in some cases the penalty will be disqualification. Entrance to Transition Area is to competitors with Race Numbers. Please ask your family members and friends to stay out of TA. You will be asked to show your run and bike race numbers before leaving the TA.

Race Conduct
IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO KNOW THE COURSE! Cutting corners, or otherwise deviating from the race course will result in disqualification!

Swimming Conduct
Bottom Contact and Resting, Emergencies, Wet Suits, Illegal Equipment.

  1. A participant may stand on the bottom or rest by holding a buoy, boat, rope of floating object
  2. A swimmer in need of assistance should RAISE AN ARM OVERHEAD, and pump it up and down, and call for assistance
  3. A swimmer who has received official assistance, whether voluntary or involuntary, must retire and withdraw from the remainder of the race
  4. No swimmer should return to the race if the official rendering assistance requests that the participant withdraw from the race or receive medical assistance
  5. Wet Suits are permitted. When the water temperature is above 78 degrees and less than 84 degrees, participants may wear a wet suit at their own discretion but they will not be eligible for prizes or awards
  6. Any swimmer wearing any artificial propulsion device, including but not limited to fins, gloves, paddles, or floating devices of any kind will be disqualified

Cycling Conduct
Traffic laws, Dismounting, Type of Helmet, Chin Strap violations, Illegal Positioning, Drafting zone, Position Foul.

  1. All participants must obey traffic laws while on the cycling course unless otherwise directed by a race official. Dismounting is allowed but should not interfere with other cyclist
  2. Helmets must meet the safety standards of the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC). The helmets must be fastened before you leave the TA and should not be unfastened until you have dismounted
  3. All handle bars must have plugs in the ends of them. No exceptions!
  4. NO DRAFTING IS ALLOWED! You must maintain a distance of seven (7) meters long or three bike lengths and two (2) meters wide surrounding each bicycle. When the leading edge of the front wheel of one cyclist passes beyond the front wheel of another cyclist, the second cyclist has been OVERTAKEN. The “overtaken” cyclist should then avoid a position foul and move to the rear and out of the drafting zone

Running Conduct

  1. The responsibility of knowing and following the prescribed course rests with each participant. The run is usually measured along the RIGHT shoulder of the road, unless otherwise stated. Please always check the maps available in this website before the race.
  2. A participant who gains progress by crawling or by cutting corners violates the Rules and will be subject to a time penalty and/or disqualification
  3. No headsets, radio and/or headphones are allowed as per Section 3.4(1) of USAT Competitive Rules
  4. A participant may carry a water bottle on the run portion, provided that such container is not made of glass
  5. Please do not dispose GARBAGE on the course. Please, help us preserve the roads and parks we use to organize our events.

Time Penalties
In General, Variable Time Penalties in accordance with the distance category of the event. A time penalty will be added to the participant’s aggregated finishing time when calculating official results. A “variable time penalty” according to the distance categories will be the following:

Distance Category 1st Offense 2nd Offense 3rd Offense
Short/Intermediate 2:00 Minutes 4:00 Minutes Disqualification
Cycle course less than 50K 4:00 Minutes 8:00 Minutes Disqualification